A natural, safe, & nontoxic tallow-based sun protectant (not an "official" sunscreen).
handcrafted with pure and organic ingredients:
grass-finished beef tallow | non-nano/uncoated zinc oxide | jojoba oil | local beeswax | and cacao powder
2 oz
This product is intended for when long sun exposure cannot be avoided.
The best sun protection is slow exposure! Spend 10-30 minute increments in direct sunlight with minimal layers, no hat, and no sunglasses... This tells your brain to produce melanin to help protect your skin from burning. Wear layers and take breaks in the shade.Zinc Oxide is known to block Vitamin D from being absorbed into the skin. While no one likes a sun burn... Vitamin D is essential to our health and cannot be made by the body. We rely on the sun and other sources to get it. It's best to sit in the sun for a while (previously mentioned) prior to applying.
Apply when and wherever sun exposure cannot be avoided. Use a small amount and massage onto skin as needed. Beeswax helps with water-proofing but monitor your skin to ensure your not burning if sweating or swimming.
Sun screen and similar products are not recommended for infants under 6 months old due to their inability to regulate body temperature. Use personal discretion if using with infants. Sun protectant clothing is always recommended over the use of sunscreen and other protectants.
Nano/coated Zinc Oxide is toxic to humans. When shopping for products with Zinc Oxide, always choose non-nano and uncoated Zinc Oxide. Non-nano, uncoated Zinc Oxide is the rawest, purest form of Zinc Oxide. It works as an astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and sun protectant. The body uses this trace mineral to form and repair connective tissue. It is a natural UV-filter and protects against sun burn. Nano Zinc Oxide can be absorbed into the blood stream and is excreted in urine, which then enters the water and causes damage to aquatic life and bleaches coral reefs. Non-Nano Zinc Oxide is a safe alternative as it does not absorb into the skin or harm marine wildlife. The coating used is triethoxycaprylylsilane. It is synthetic and allegedly helps to mix with other ingredients. It allegedly prevents the formation of free radicals created by zinc oxide but there isn’t much evidence to support this claim. Since the Zinc Oxide used by Apotheke DuJardin is non-nano and uncoated, it is safe for topical use even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA. Apotheke DuJardin does not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure anything. We make no claims about the SPF rating of this product because it has not been tested in any regulated labs. It is not an "official" sunscreen in any capacity.
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Probably my favorite tallow whip I’ve used. The feel isn’t oily and has really helped my (and my toddler’s) excema! We bought this in person at a festival, and it even though we aren’t local to the shop have purchased it online because I needed more! I gifted it to my sister who struggles with sensitive skin and she used it within a month because she loved it so much!
I love the laundry detergent is so refreshing and gets the clothes clean no chemical residue. The hair shampoo suds up and everyone compliments me on my shiny hair! Again no chemicals. Love everything I’ve bought